Author: hopegirl2012

BrightU Presents: Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare Series

In an age where the battlefield extends beyond the physical borders and into the realms of the mind, understanding the dynamic of 5G, modern technology and 5th Generation Warfare has never been more crucial. Join us and stream Mind Control & 5th Generation Warfare to uncover sophisticated strategies and technologies that redefine conflict in the 21st century, how you can identify it and how you can survive it.

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How Nanotechnology is Made (no I don’t have a DARPA lab in my backyard!)

Hope and Tivon of FTWproject have a discussion explaining the mulit-billion dollar manufacturing process that governments have deployed to make the nanotechnology that they are putting into human beings through vaccines and into our environment and food. Also explained is how our EMF protection products are made and how we do not put nanotechnology into our products because we do not have access to a multi-billion dollar DARPA lab in our backyard.

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