Author: Hope

Governments confirm it takes 5 months for the Covid Vaccines to give you Aids

Governments worldwide have been quietly publishing data for months on end that strongly suggests the Covid-19 injections cause extensive damage to the natural immune system, causing recipients to develop a new form of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

Now, new data, recently published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics, indicates that it only takes approximately 4 to 5 months after Covid-19 vaccination, for so much damage to have been done to the immune system that it can, unfortunately, lead to death, as many people have sadly already discovered

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How harmful is my COVID-19 Vaccine Batch? – FIND OUT NO

An investigation of data found in the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines several times, meaning deadly batches of the experimental injections have now been identified

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