Author: Hope

The Trump Vaccine

Now that the truth about the deadly COVID vaxxines is finally starting to break free, the mainstream media is shifting their narrative and blaming it all on President Trump and they already laid the groundwork back in 2016, when the herd was told to believe that Trump is literally Hitler.

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Deaths have Just Begun, hundreds of thousands more will die. Biostructures Found in Blood Vessels of the Covid Vaccinated.

In the final segment of the Infowars Show on 23 August 2022, Mike Adams shared laboratory results regarding the composition of post-vaccine clots as well as the composition of one of the Covid “vaccines” which includes trace amounts of industrial metals and elements.

Adams’ laboratory is accredited by the International Organisation for Standardisation (“ISO”). “So, anything that we produce in terms of lab results can be entered as evidence in a court of law anywhere in the world,” Adams said.

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