Author: Hope

Confidential Pfizer Documents reveal Covid-19 Vaccination is going to lead to Depopulation

Covid-19 vaccination is going to lead to mass depopulation.

This is a pretty bold claim to make. ‘Your Government is trying to kill you’ is even bolder.

But unfortunately, these bold claims are now backed up with a mountain of evidence, and most of that evidence can be found in the confidential Pfizer documents that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has been forced to publish by court order.

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Gene Editing Experiments Caused Aggression Towards Same-Sex in Hamsters

A new study by Georgia State University found that using a gene-editing tool – CRISPR-Cas9 – to manipulate the arginine–vasopressin (“AVP”) V1a receptor (“R”) produces paradoxical changes in social behaviour in hamsters – they increased the hamsters’ aggression instead of reducing it.  In layman’s language – they turned the hamsters into violent monsters.

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