Author: Hope


Welcome to coffee chat! Dr. Jane talks about the realities around Robert F Kennedy Junior, Donald Trump, and Ron DeSantis, where they stand on medical health freedom, how they are alike and where they are different. A quick review of DeSantis crushing SB222, a model health freedom bill in Florida, Trump the father of the vaccine, and RFK Junior is still a democrat.

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Fear Is the Mind-Killer

It is very unnerving that our own governments have committed mass genocide against us, that they crashed the global economy and that they are dismantling the institutions that once protected our rights, while calling everyday people “domestic terrorists” and while shoving this diabolical pedophile, bug-eating, anti-human agenda down our throats and are now threatening us with an imminent biological attack of organ-melting Marburg virus disease.

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Governor Ron DeSantis KILLS Florida’s Health Freedom Bill

Florida legislators created SB 222 with numerous protections from any state sponsored forced injections, discrimination by vaccine status, guaranteed informed consent but governor DeSantis stepped in to replace it with a bill that not only slashed every critical protection but that also added handover of the power of the state of Florida to the World Health Organization upon any declaration of a public health emergency. Who got to the governor? Who is the real Ron DeSantis?

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