Author: Hope

THE AWAKENING PSYOP – Vax Deaths Are Being Exposed – Media ADMITS Mass Death! – What Comes NEXT?

Josh Sigurdson reports on the awakening psyop as the media and governments admit to being “wrong” about the shots that are killing millions of people worldwide. Meanwhile, they weren’t “wrong,” they were purposely carrying out a depopulation agenda.
As people wake up to what’s going on, the media is trying to misdirect the populace. They’re launching limited hangout operations and trying to keep the sheep in line despite their regret with getting the death injections. This psyop must be understood.

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A COVID Silver Lining? More Parents Than Ever Questioning ‘Routine’ Childhood Vaccines

Children and teen vaccination rates began plummeting with the onset of the pandemic, and as concerns surfaced around the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, some parents also began questioning the need for the long list of other vaccines recommended by public health officials.

In 2020, government orders to stay home — along with lockdown-produced job losses, public fear of COVID-19 and other factors — led to dramatic declines in in-person utilization of healthcare services among adults and children, both in the United States and globally.

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