Author: Hope

China Hospitals are Empty. Covid Propaganda is lies.

When calling my dad during Christmas I found out that the MSM was blasting the world with the idea that “China was collapsing (AGAIN!!)” this time due to covid. I live in Guangzhou, China and as usual I don’t see the MSM’s narrative on the ground here. I only work part-time, so that I can make videos, so I decided to spend a full day from 7am to 7pm going to different hopiitals in different Chinese cities.

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Next Generation Wireless Technology May Leverage the Human Body For Energy

AMHERST, Mass. – While you may be just starting to reap the advantages of 5G wireless technology, researchers throughout the world are already working hard on the future: 6G. One of the most promising breakthroughs in 6G telecommunications is the possibility of Visible Light Communication (VLC), which is like a wireless version of fiberoptics, using flashes of light to transmit information. Now, a team of researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst has announced that they have invented a low-cost, innovative way to harvest the waste energy from VLC by using the human body as an antenna. This waste energy can be recycled to power an array of wearable devices, or even, perhaps, larger electronics.

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Empty pews: Religious service attendance never bounced back after COVID-19

The numbers of people attending religious services never fully bounced back after the Covid-19 pandemic, with an 8 percent drop overall — the latest sign of faith’s declining role in modern-day America.

A quarter of adults never attended religious services before the pandemic arrived in early 2020. By Spring of 2022, when holy buildings had largely returned to normal, that share had jumped to a third, a study shows.

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Bioweapon induced deaths, stolen elections, climate lockdowns and an engineered collapse. Welcome to the real life Hunger Games, if you ALLOW it to happen. My SGT Report contributor Matt joins me to discuss current tyrannical events.

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