Author: Hope

Whole Foods Installs Scanners, pay with your palm.

Amazon — that pioneer of frictionless consumption, the inventor of a device that allows you to order toilet paper with a few words spoken at home — is now rolling out the most convenient method of in-person grocery shopping yet invented. You walk in, you wave your palm over a sensor, you grab some stuff, you leave. Hours later, your bank account is a little lighter.

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BUSTED: Those ‘ER doctors’ on Twitter who claimed hordes of patients were dying from COVID every day were FAKE

The advent of social media has become the bane of modern society, as it has created a world that literally does not exist, for the most part.

Gone are the days of “MySpace” and the early years of Facebook, when users simply posted status updates, photos from places they visited, recipes, and other things to keep in touch with family and friends.

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