The largest study ever conducted for Covid mRNA “vaccines” has confirmed that the injections have caused an alarming surge in heart failure and other deadly adverse events.

A team of 22 leading researchers at the Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) analyzed the records of a whopping 99,068,901 “vaccinated” people for the peer-reviewed study.

The study’s paper was published in the prestigious journal Vaccine.

In total, the study investigated 183,559,462 doses of mainly Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca.

The researchers found that most of the severe side effects occurred within 43 days of receiving the injection.

There were unacceptable population risks of Guillain-Barré syndrome, blood clots, encephalomyelitis, heart failure (myopericarditis and pericarditis), and swelling in the brain and spinal cord.

The study identified massive spikes in serious health conditions among individuals who had received Covid shots.

Leading epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher MPH responded to the study by warning that Covid mRNA injections are “NOT SAFE FOR HUMAN USE”

In a post on X, Hulscher noted that the study confirms:

➊ 610% increased risk of myocarditis following mRNA platform injection.

➋ 378% increased risk of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) following mRNA injection.

➌ 323% increased risk of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) following viral-vector injection.

➍ 249% increased risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) following viral-vector injection.

The study concludes by warning that “Other potential safety signals that require further investigation were identified.”

Meanwhile, another major autopsy study has found that people who died from a sudden cardiac arrest had multiple scars in their hearts caused by Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

The study was conducted by cardiologist Dr. Tomomi Koizumi and pathologist Dr. Masao Ono of the Mito Medical Center in Higashi-Ibarakigun, Japan.

They sought to identify the cause of spikes in “unexplained cardiac arrest.”

The study’s paper was published in the journal JACC: Case Reports.

Alarmingly, the researchers discovered that people who died suddenly after receiving an mRNA injection had “multiple micro-scars” (MMS) in and around their hearts.

The enigmatic pathological phenomenon was only found in the myocardium of Covid-vaccinated patients who succumbed to unexplained cardiac arrest.

The researchers note that these microscopic scars are undetectable by conventional imaging.

However, the scarring was evident in post-mortem histopathological examinations.

They hypothesize that the scars could serve as a novel marker for vaccine-induced heart damage leading to sudden cardiac events.

Earlier this month, Hulscher raised the alarm over new data that links Covid mRNA “vaccines” to the global surge in sudden cardiac arrests and related deaths.

Hulscher detailed the findings during a new interview on “Ask Dr. Drew.”

He discussed how the new data reveals the disturbing connection between Covid mRNA injections and deadly cardiac arrests.

The data was analyzed during a new peer-reviewed study published in the World Journal of Cardiology.

The study found that mRNA from the Covid injections “travels within lipid nanoparticles to all organ systems, including the heart,” Hulscher explains.

“Once it’s in there, your cardiomyocytes start to produce spike protein.

“This spike protein is found circulating in the bloodstream, which can also reach the heart.”

Drew pointed out that the cardiac arrests being recorded since the rollout of the “vaccines” are increasingly found in young people.

Many of the sufferers appear to be otherwise healthy and have never suffered these events before receiving the injections.

“Right, it’s not supposed to be seen in young, healthy adults as we’ve seen since 2021, since these cardiotoxic injections rolled out,” the epidemiologist responded.


The peer-reviewed study cited by Hulscher is titled “Risk stratification for future cardiac arrest after COVID-19 vaccination.”

Alarmingly, the study found that young people who appear to be healthy can suffer a fatal vaccine-induced cardiac arrest several years after they received their last injection.


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