On Thursday, the UK Health Security Agency released data relating to its Autumn 2024 covid vaccination programme in England. Disappointingly, 8 million people, 14% of the population, have had yet another harmful injection.
Of the 34% of the population who UKHSA deem to be at high risk regarding covid and so eligible for an Autumn 2024 dose, 41% allowed themselves to be injected. Proportionally far more people who identify as white British have been duped, or coerced, into taking the latest “booster.” It seems white British people are more vulnerable not to covid but to blindly trusting UKHSA, the National Health Service and/or the Government.
In August 2021, the UK Department of Health and Social Care boasted that over 88% of adults had a first dose and over 72% of adults had two doses. In September 2021, the first of the booster doses began. There have been two doses a year – spring and autumn campaigns – so some people have had 6 additional doses up to and including the spring of 2024, meaning they have had 8 injections between the winter of 2020 and the summer of 2024. The vaccination campaign in the autumn of 2024 would be the ninth injection in four years. It is this ninth injection that is the subject of our article.
During the winter months, the UK Health Security Agency (“UKHSA”) publishes its ‘National flu and COVID-19 surveillance report’ every week. Within the data is a summary of how many people in England UKHSA believes are at high risk with regards to covid. The data also shows how many people within these groups have lined up for yet another dose.
In the first week of October, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (“JCVI”) advised the Government to offer another dose of the harmful covid injection to the following groups:
- All adults aged 65 years and over. This includes those who turn 65 by October 2024.
- People aged 6 months and over who are in a clinical risk group: As defined in tables 3 and 4 of UKHSA’s Green Book on immunisation against infectious disease.
- Care home residents, regardless of age.
- Health and social care workers and staff working in care homes for older adults aged over 16 years.
The UK’s Autumn 2024 covid injection programme began in early October 2024, coinciding with the Government’s flu vaccination campaign. The latest UKHSA report is up to 11 November 2024 (week 46).
Within UKHSA’s report titled ‘National flu and COVID-19 surveillance report: 21 November (week 47)’ is a supplementary table which shows totals per region and age group of the “cumulative covid vaccine uptake in those who are living and resident in England vaccinated with an Autumn 2024 dose.”
It makes sad reading because four years after the first warnings about the dangers of covid “vaccines” began to emerge, there is still a shocking number of people who continue to risk their health and their lives by rolling up their sleeves as and when called to do so.
- Medicine Regulators knew in October 2020 that the Covid-19 Vaccines would cause blood clots, heart damage, harm to children, and death
- Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee 22 October 2020 Meeting Presentation Steve Anderson
According to the Office for National Statistics, the population of England in mid-2023 was 57,690,323. Of those, 8,007,702 received a covid injection in the Autumn 2024 campaign. That equates to 14% of the total population who still do not understand that the covid injections are the most injurious medical intervention unleashed on the public … so far.
So, who are these people? We don’t know the details but some high-level categorisations give some insight. As noted above, UKHSA provides a breakdown of where vaccinees live and the age bracket they fall into. We’ve used UKHSA’s data included in the ‘National flu and COVID-19 surveillance report: 21 November (week 47)’ to produce the tables below.
There are 9 official regions in England. Because the region for some vaccinees was “unknown,” UKHSA has included “unknown” as a region and so categorised their data into 10 “regions.”
The South East has the highest number of people who UKHSA deems eligible for covid “vaccines” and also has the second highest uptake. The South East of England consists of the nine counties of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, East Sussex, Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Kent, Oxfordshire, Surrey and West Sussex.
The South West has proportionally the highest uptake but is the fifth-highest region in terms of the number of people deemed to be eligible. The South West of England consists of the counties of Cornwall (including the Isles of Scilly), Dorset, Devon, Bristol, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire.

UKHSA has calculated that 19,703,275 people in England are aged 65+, clinically at risk or work in a healthcare setting. That equates to a staggering 34% of the population. The high number of eligible persons is not due to an ageing population as one would assume; 41% of those UKHSA considers vulnerable to covid are under 65 years old.

The majority of the “under 65 years clinical risk group” are not immunosuppressed.

Some of the under “65 years, not immunosuppressed” will be health and social care workers and care home staff. The remainder will be in a clinical risk group as described by UKHSA’s ‘COVID-19: the green book, chapter 14a’ (“Green Book”) published in September 2024. This document provides covid vaccination information for public health professionals.
The Green Book includes two tables giving examples of children and adults considered to be at “clinical high risk.” The examples are not exhaustive and “within these broad groups, the prescriber may need to apply clinical judgment … A more comprehensive list of potentially eligible diagnoses, and the appropriate clinical codes, can be found in the link at the end of the chapter,” the Green Book states.
In the next paragraph, the Green Book states, “In December 2021, following the recognition of pregnancy as a risk factor for severe covid-19 infection and poor pregnancy outcomes during the Delta wave, pregnancy was added to the clinical risk groups.”
The Green Book’s Table 3 (for 16 years and over) and Table 4 (for children under 16 years) give the following as examples of those who are deemed to be at “clinical high risk” and so should be offered a covid injection:
- Chronic respiratory disease.
- Chronic heart disease and vascular disease.
- Chronic kidney disease.
- Chronic liver disease.
- Chronic disease of the digestive system.
- Chronic neurological disease.
- Diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders.
- Immunosuppression.
- Asplenia or dysfunction of the spleen.
- Morbid obesity (Adults with a Body Mass Index (BMI) ≥40 kg/m²).
- Severe mental illness.
- Younger adults in long-stay nursing and residential care settings.
- Pregnancy.
- Serious genetic abnormalities that affect a number of systems. Including mitochondrial disease and chromosomal abnormalities.
It reads like a combination of a list of covid vaccine injuries and a eugenicist’s hit list. As if to prove the point, UKHSA advises healthcare professionals that “Pfizer BioNTech vaccine is the preferred vaccine for children due to a slightly lower reported rate of myocarditis [compared to Moderna].”
At some point, the document may be updated and replaced so we have saved a copy of the September 2024 Green Book below. Even a cursory browse through it leaves one with the feeling of “it simply beggars belief.”
Another analysis of UKHSA’s ‘National flu and COVID-19 surveillance report: 21 November (week 47)’ data we found interesting was the ethnic groups who have had the highest vaccine uptake during the Government’s Autumn 2024 covid injection campaign.
A second supplementary table in the data file gives totals for ethnicity groups. For some reason, there are an additional 172 eligible persons when categorised by ethnicity than there are categorised by region. However, the difference is too small to make a significant difference when looking at category totals so we can ignore it for this purpose.
Presuming the ethnicity data has been relatively accurately compiled, white British and Irish make up the lion’s share of the people eligible, as would be expected. Disappointingly, they are also the most ignorant. The two groups stand out as having the highest uptake in vaccines, by far.

If you live in the South East or the South West, please speak out more about the harms of the vaccines. Speak to family members, shopkeepers, stallholders or anyone who will listen, or won’t. Also talk with like-minded friends in coffee shops, on buses or in any public place loud enough so that people nearby have the privilege of overhearing.
Source: https://expose-news.com/2024/11/23/people-in-england-still-prepared-to-risk-their-lives/
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