In a time when our trust in government institutions is at an all-time low, we’re witnessing a disturbing reality—one that once seemed like the stuff of conspiracy but is now becoming impossible to ignore.

Geoengineering is no longer a fringe theory; it’s a documented fact. HAARP, cloud seeding, and Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) are being employed to reshape our environment, and not for the greater good. What was once whispered in backrooms is now on full display.

Hurricanes—once natural occurrences—have become tools of manipulation. And the timing couldn’t be more convenient, or more insidious.

Take Hurricane Helene, for example. This wasn’t just another storm. Evidence suggests that Helene was a geoengineered weapon of mass destruction, deployed strategically to strike areas that overwhelmingly supported Donald Trump. It tore through the Southeastern United States, decimating communities that are politically conservative.

Dane Wigington seems the definitive source on this.

North Carolina, a key target, not only faced the wrath of Helene but, in the aftermath,  cleared the way for the establishment (and BlackRock) to potentially move forward an open-pit lithium mine. A mine that locals fought hard to prevent—until the storm conveniently cleared the way.

Coincidence? Hardly.

This isn’t just about manipulating the weather; this is about control—pre-election control. This is about weakening the foundations of resistance in conservative strongholds, both economically and politically.

And again, less than a few weeks later we had to stare down the barrel of another weaponized storm. Hurricane Milton, a monster Category 5 system, brewed up in the Gulf of Mexico, that struck Tampa, Florida—a conservative stronghold that has historically been pivotal in elections. The same Tampa that, conveniently, was the focus of a war-gamed scenario eerily similar to Event 201, in which elites predicted, and planned for, a monster hurricane devastating the region.

Are we seriously supposed to believe this is a coincidence?

The people need to wake up.

Look at the timeline. Look at the targets. These aren’t accidents; they’re carefully calculated assaults, designed to destabilize and demoralize. Weather manipulation technologies, long-held by defense contractors like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, are now deployed against us with impunity. HAARP, the ionospheric heater in Alaska, is no longer a fringe curiosity; it’s a weapon of mass destruction, capable of altering atmospheric pressure zones to steer hurricanes, control jet streams, and create the very storms that destroy lives and livelihoods.

The same goes for cloud seeding and DEWs. And let’s not forget that private defense contractors, not the government, are pulling the strings behind our weather forecasting, while gag orders ensure that the truth never sees the light of day.

They are using these technologies to manipulate, devastate, and crush anyone who stands in their way. And they’re doing it with full impunity. Why? Because they’ve told us what they’re doing. They’re flaunting their power, demonstrating just how little we can do about it. The elites have weaponized the weather itself to push their agenda, and as usual, the victims are the everyday people who have no say, no power, and no protection.

This is premeditated democide.

The catastrophic damage these storms will leave in their wake is not just collateral damage. It’s targeted destruction aimed at reshaping the political landscape, silencing opposition, and clearing the way for their greed-fueled plans. The lithium mine in North Carolina is just the beginning. Who knows what lies ahead if we don’t start questioning and confronting this unprecedented level of control?

So, as Hurricane Milton leaves the shores of Florida, I ask you—are we supposed to sit back and let it happen again? Are we going to continue pretending that these storms are mere acts of nature? Or are we going to wake up to the terrifying reality that the weather itself has become a weapon in the hands of those who already control too much?

We can’t afford to ignore the truth any longer. These storms aren’t just random acts of God. They’re deliberate acts of power—man-made, controlled, and directed for a purpose. And if we don’t confront this now, the storms will only grow more devastating, their targets more brazenly political, and their toll on our freedom more catastrophic.

Right now, a new story is devloping from a whistleblower in Antarctica who claims that the earthquakes in Christchurch were no mere accident.

The elites are showing us their hand. It’s time we call them out.

Please check out Greg Reese’ video if you’d like.

Check it out here.





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