In November, the UK parliament will debate euthanasia, which they call “doctor assisted suicide” to make it sound like an act of kindness.

In eight points, Dr. Vernon Coleman shows how the stage has been set to increase the uptake for euthanasia, which will include more than the terminally ill who are at the end of their lives.

By Dr. Vernon Coleman

In November, British MPs will discuss introducing euthanasia. If they decide that doctors can start killing people then “doctor assisted suicide” (as euthanasia is also known) will be available in Britain – and Britain will be yet another country where doctors are legally allowed to kill people. (It should be noted that euthanasia is specifically forbidden by the Hippocratic Oath so any doctor who deliberately kills patients will have to break the Oath.) You should be truly terrified.

The following extract is from Jack King’s book `They Want to Kill Us’.

Basic truths about euthanasia

1) By an astonishing coincidence, and just as happened with the covid fraud, exactly the same things are happening all around the world. Euthanasia is being promoted and legalised all around the world (just as the covid fraud was promoted globally).

2) The media is promoting a superficial, one-sided view of euthanasia as a way to relieve pain and distress.

3) Palliative care, offered to patients who are seriously or terminally ill, is being defunded so that more patients will agree to be killed by their doctor.

4) The number of patients developing cancer (and requiring care) has increased dramatically. The use of masks, and the resultant hypoxia, resulted in cancers being more dangerous than ever. Many newly diagnosed patients are suffering from fast-growing cancers. There can now be no doubt that many cases of cancer are caused by the covid-19 “vaccine.” As the number of patients increases, so the quality of care provided decreases.

5) The covid fraud led to an increase in compliance – with the majority of people now prepared to do whatever they are told to do (“have a vaccine,” “wear a mask,” “stay at home,” etc.). The people who were compliant during the pandemic will be compliant when offered euthanasia.

6) The official incidence of mental illness is increasing very rapidly – particularly among children and young people. Laws concerning euthanasia are being changed so that the mentally ill can be accepted as candidates for death.

7) Laws concerning euthanasia are being changed so that children can decide to kill themselves without their parents’ knowledge or ability to intervene.

8) Politicians and doctors’ trade unions have deliberately and systematically destroyed primary care. And as a result, other health services everywhere have failed the public with the quality and quantity of services having deteriorated. Faced with years of pain and distress many patients will choose euthanasia as the only solution. Some supporters of euthanasia have lied about what will happen and who will die.

Euthanasia does not mean a painless death. Dr. King’s astonishing book explains in detail precisely what is happening in countries such as Canada and Holland where euthanasia is legal. You will be shocked. To purchase a copy of `They Want to Kill Us’ by Jack King please CLICK HERE. Please buy and share copies. I’ve bought and distributed around 100 copies of this vital book. It will soon be too late. We have to wake people up now. To watch my video about euthanasia please CLICK HERE.





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