Eight cancer doctors were among the 62 passengers and crew who died when a Brazilian airliner plunged dramatically from the sky and exploded in a fireball.

Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the twin-engine turboprop ATR 72-500 VoePass Airline flight crashed into a gated community killing all on board on Friday.

Eduardo Baptistella of the Regional Medical Council said: ‘Unfortunately we received very sad news and were able to confirm the death of eight doctors. The doctors were going to an oncology conference. These were people who dedicated their lives to saving others.’

Some of the doctors’ names began to emerge last night including radiologist Leonel Ferreira, pediatric cancer expert Sarah Stella and Silvia Osaki.

Mr Baptistella said 15 doctors had been scheduled to take the two-hour doomed flight but seven had taken an earlier plane.

This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024

This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024

Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed

Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed

The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday

The plane can be seen in a ‘death spiral’ before it crashed into a residential area on Friday

Source:  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13731431/Eight-cancer-doctors-dedicated-lives-passengers-crew-dead-doomed-Brazil-flight-plunged-sky-exploded.html

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