Yesterday Nature published an article summarising what countries are doing to prepare for a bird flu pandemic.  Wealthy nations are purchasing vaccines against H5N1 influenza and boosting surveillance.

Nature expressed no concern that the pandemic of 2020 was declared on spurious grounds.  Nor was Nature the slightest bit concerned that the vaccines rolled out for the alleged covid pandemic are both unsafe and ineffective.

The only concern Nature expressed was that low-income countries would be left behind in the race to procure vaccines.  So, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (“CEPI”) is working to ensure that the response is “equitable” worldwide.

Yesterday, Nature published an article titled ‘Bird flu could become a human pandemic. How are countries preparing?’.  We have previously published numerous articles on bird flu and the proposed vaccines which you can read HERE and HERE so the following is simply a summary of Nature’s article. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

After claims have been made that cases of H5N1 avian influenza continue to rise in cattle in the United States, countries are preparing for the possibility that the virus could spark a pandemic in people by ramping up surveillance, as well as purchasing vaccines or developing new ones.

First, fear must be ramped up to make people concerned a pandemic might be possible with statements such as:

Then the problem is presented:

And finally, the pandemic-vaccine industry’s self-serving “solution” is offered:

So what countries are purchasing vaccines in preparation for “a potential influenza pandemic”?

In May, the US Department of Health and Human Services purchased almost five million more doses of the CSL Seqirus influenza vaccine for its stockpile.

Last month, the European Commission purchased roughly 700,000 doses of a flu vaccine manufactured by CSL Seqirus, in Maidenhead, UK, with the option to buy another 40 million.

Also in June, Finland began vaccinating people against avian influenza, focusing on high-risk workers at fur and poultry farms.

What type of vaccines will they be?

If we have learnt anything from the last four and a half years it is: DO NOT take the vaccines.





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