Josh Sigurdson reports on the very strange news of Tyson Foods (one of the world’s biggest meat manufacturers) which just bought Protix (a company specializing in bug meat) claiming they want to hire 42,000 migrants.

Now, the company which already has 42,000 migrants on staff and has a 120,000 person workforce would ensure the majority of employees were migrants while simultaneously saying they’re against illegal immigration at their business.

The whole story is full of so many problems that we found necessary to uproot and explain in this video as there is a huge migrant problem created by the state yet there are also people who are utilizing the issue to bring about biometric tracking. Neither side of the argument is right and all the while, they’re utilizing migrants to make bug meat in their quest to divide everyone, clash civilizations and force us into “order out of chaos.”

This story so perfectly binds the puzzle together.





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