A major hospital network in the United States has issued a directive to caregivers requiring them to take the new “updated” mRNA Covid-19 vaccine recently approved by the FDA.

According to Wikipedia, Providence Health & Services is a not-for-profit Catholic health care system operating in seven western states: Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Montana, New Mexico, and Texas. The health system includes 51 hospitals, more than 800 non-acute facilities, and numerous assisted living facilities.

A major hospital network in the United States has issued a directive to caregivers requiring them to take the new “updated” mRNA Covid-19 vaccine recently approved by the FDA.

In a copy of a letter circulating on social media, the Providence hospital network announced employees have until Nov. 30 to roll up their sleeves for the new vaccine, or submit a medical exemption.


Source:  https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/major-hospital-group-issues-updated-covid-vaccine-mandate-caregivers

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