The late French virologist Luc Montagnier was the first to denounce, as early as March 2020, that the use of the toxic Spike protein in gene serums based on new and experimental messenger RNA or DNA biotechnologies would have had an unknown and potentially devastating impact on the human body precisely because of the high potency of the antigen which would have entered the nucleus of human cells.
After his death, his friend and colleague Jean-Claude Perez, who together with him had revealed the origin of laboratory SARS-Cov-2 today also confirmed by a dossier from the US Senate Health Commission, published the posthumous research in which demonstrated the connection between that protein and rapid evolution of neurocerebral diseases.
The previous Italian research
Previously, some Italian researchers had published a study on the Zenodo website (first signatory Simone Cristoni of Ion Source & Biotechnology srl of Bresso Milan, scientific correspondent Marina Piscopo of the Department of Biology of the University of Naples Federico II) in which they demonstrated that this Spike protein had been traced in the blood of the vaccinated up to 189 days (six months) after inoculation and, therefore, was not eliminated from the body within 24/48 hours after triggering the expected antibody reaction in the immunization process as claimed by the pharmaceutical companies and the scientific community that approved the Covid vaccines.
Now a research commissioned by Pascal Najadi, a former Swiss banker damaged by vaccines, reveals the permanence and continuous production of Spikes in the body after 2 years, with irreparable physiological consequences for him caused by the Pfizer-Biontech mRNA gene serum, whose “nanoforms toxic” were discovered by the biochemist Gabriele Segalla in one of the most important and detailed studies ever published worldwide, the subject of a complaint to the judiciary by the police unionist Antonio Porto.
Not only. The study openly denounces that this perverse mechanism of DNA alteration would be at the basis of the development of serious forms of cancer which in the USA have been defined as “turbo-cancers” due to the rapidity with which the pathology evolves until death.

The laboratory results were corroborated by Professor Sucharid Bhakdi, a microbiologist of German-Thai nationality, long-time professor at the University of Mainz, whom the most attentive readers of Gospa News will remember for two crucial researches: the one in which he demonstrated the vascular damage caused from vaccines and the one in which he signaled that “lipid nanoparticles (of gene serums – ed.) enter the brain”, as discovered by Professor Michael Mörz of the Institute of Pathology in Dresden, Germany, who found Spike toxic during an autopsy in the brain of a tri-vaccinated dead.

But there’s more. The study published in preview by the specialized site (and relaunched on Twitter by Professor Perez due to its importance) supports the sensational discovery of the American genomics expert Dr. Kevin McKernan who explained the role of plasmids, small circular DNA molecules , describing the exact mechanism that underlies Spike’s long stay in the blood inoculated with vaccines and obtaining scientific applause from the famous American virologist Jessica Rose (whose short interview we will publish in a few days).
Already Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence Sellin, former researcher of the most important US military bacteriological center in Fort Detrick (Maryland), warned the scientific commute about the risk that the use of the SARS-Cov-2 Spike for vaccines would have entailed, as it was built and enhanced in the laboratory.
Well, in one of the many very dangerous experiments on the SARS coronavirus conducted in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese scientist Shi Zhengli artificially inserted a plasmid infected with HIV into this pathogen thanks to a research project funded by the European Commission of Rome Prodi.
This confirms two things.
The scientific community of many governments was well aware of the dangers of SARS-Cov-2 manipulated in the laboratory with the gain-of-function technique so dear to Anthony Fauci (recently awarded by the University of Sienawhere he will collaborate with the nascent Biotechnopole “sponsored by the Big Pharma GSK).
The international political community continues to ignore the discoveries of illustrious scientists of such evidence that even a layman biochemistry journalist like the writer has managed to understand.
This is why the criminologist Florence Umberto Mendola did well to title his book on dangerous Covid vaccines “Criminal State”.
The international political community continues to ignore the discoveries of illustrious scientists of such evidence that even a layman biochemistry journalist like the writer has managed to understand.
This is why the criminologist Florence Umberto Mendola did well to title his book on dangerous Covid vaccines “Criminal State”.
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