Month: October 2022

100,000 plus deaths a week from the vaccine

Josh Sigurdson reports on the shocking number of deaths occurring weekly based on the government’s own data.

With tens of millions dead from the vaccine death shot forced unto billions worldwide, recent statistics show an alarming weekly death rate. The Expose news site has revealed countless exhaustive documents from the ONS proving this claim and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

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Government Creating a ‘Luciferase’ Mark to Track Vaccinations; CDC Admits Myocarditis Risk

The Department of Homeland Security filed a patent for a new product using luciferase, a bioluminescent material that is being proposed to mark people as a way to verify if they’ve had vaccinations. The concept is being proposed in several different forms, including for bioluminescent quantum dots, and is part of a larger push for new ways to track people’s medical data.

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