Woo hoo!! Its humbling to think that its been a solid two years that we have been able to diligently give 10% of our income to help others in need through Kiva. This giving report celebrates our 24th month of giving! This works everyone! Because we have been faithful in giving to others, we have been blessed tremendously. We are happy to share with you here the stories of those we helped support this month.
Jose is asking for the loan to plant coffee and to purchase organic manure, insecticide, and fertilizers, so to be able to get more income and improve his living conditions.
He asked for this loan as a group loan with Erwin and Milton, who also work growing coffee and growing taro.
Trojes, Honduras – December 2016
In this group: Jose Eleuterio, Erwin Donel, Milton Ariel
Gaudency has been farming with One Acre Fund for years now, having joined the program for the first time in 2009. This decision was largely a result of her desire to earn enough to feed her family. Although she described her last harvest as poor due to bad weather conditions, she believes she could have a better one this year by continuing to work alongside One Acre Fund.
Gaudency also decided to purchase a solar light as part of her loan, which she is very excited about, as it will allow her to reduce the consumption of paraffin fuel and therefore save more money.
Obtaining this loan means that Gaudency’s Group will be able to receive a total of five solar lights, as well as farming inputs to plant a total of 3.75 acres.
In this group: Gaudency, Christine, Violet, Alfred, Isaac , Jotham, Catherine, Mary, Jane