This story will warm your heart.  It was only a few months ago that I met a woman named Bethany, who brought to my attention a very special place in Tanzania Africa.  There is a an orphanage there that was built by a man named Kristofa Kala.

Kris was an orphan to a single parent and at a young age. He knew one day he would help kids who were just like him. Kris is a very dedicated and driven individual who spends all his time and energy ensuring the children are fed, have housing, and ongoing education. Kris is also active in creating local small businesses and inspiring community involvement.

The Children of Africa Center supports 63 Orphans and Widows with food and water. Housing assistance is provided for all, while many kids are hosted at the center, it is only so large, that means building homes is an essential part of the work. Kris is the founder and the hands on director and organizer of The Children of Africa Center. Kris is only 28 but he started working with Community Based Organization in 2003. In 2008 he built the center and has been actively maintaining it since then.

Bethany has volunteered her time and talent to put together a fund raising campaign to help the children at the orphanage. She has her own small business in web design called Shamanic Dreams. Fix the World has teamed up with Bethany and Kris to help bring awareness to The Children of Africa Center. Currently they need to raise $4,000 in a short period of time in order to ensure that the orphanage does not shut down and to be able to buy food. It they do not raise the funds, all of the children and widows will be put out on the street.

This is a local and global effort, that helps connect real people like YOU to provide an opportunity to help someone like these kids in Africa. Please hear about all the details of their story in this one hour special edition of the Fix the World Media Show. And if you can donate to the campaign, you can do so here:

Also Visit the Children of Africa Center Facebook page for more info:

FTW Media Show Episode 12: Children of Africa Center