Many thanks and blessings go out to Avi Esther Shekinah of the Golden Light Community in London for allowing me to give this presentation to a thrilled audience at the Earth Rising Event. This presentation tells the story of the QEG and Fix the World Organization and the first two weeks of events worldwide since open sourcing.

Please note that Avi has financed the rental space of the event out of her own pocket. If it was not for Avi, we never would of had the opportunity to present this to the world, get a film maker to film it, and put it up on Youtube. We would like to ask if you could make a donation to Avi to help her recoup the 2,000 pounds it cost her to make this possible. To make a donation you can do so through paypal by clicking this link:

Thank you again everyone for what we are all doing to bring free energy to the world!!!