Tag: programs



The concept of Artificial Intelligence was theorized by British mathematical Alan Turing “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” (1912-1954). – summary: A machine is intelligent if it can convince (or deceive) the human that it’s interaction (conversation) is with a real human being (Turing Test).

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Day of Reflection: The Covishield Scandal (2025) | Oracle Films

On this ‘Day of Covid reflection’, let us remember what the UK Government would rather we forgot.

While the Covid Inquiry has utterly failed to investigate the safety and effectiveness of Covid-19 injections, evidence has emerged that the UK Government issued millions of doses of an unlicensed vaccine, Covishield, made in India and close to expiry dates.

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Programmed Robotic Doctors, Rockefeller Medicine, Experiments & Men’s Testosterone w/ Dr. Lafferty

Dr. Lynn Lafferty joins the program to discuss the history of medicine; when it become corrupted and how it has impacted society. We discuss the roots of modern medicine moving away from holistic remedies that work with your body to heal to Rockefeller medicine promoting pharmaceutical drugs aimed at maximizing revenues at the expense of long term health. You can learn more about Dr. Lafferty at https://drlynnlafferty.com

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A dear friend to many of us has been persecuted and imo RAILROADED in a California state court and now this good man faces potentially the rest of his life in prison, while rapists, child traffickers and murderers go free in the same God-forsaken state. This is his story and here’s how YOU can help.

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Humanity 2.0: Technological Immanentization of the Eschaton | Courtenay Turner Radio Hour

Join Courtenay Turner for a continuation of last week’s radio hour themes. We’ll be exploring how the new age movement and spiritual eugenics have paved the way for accelerationism of various forms. What influence do these ideas have on the current administration? Is there hope for humanity 1.0 or is 2.0 and a beast system controlled by technocrats inevitable?

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Emerging Science on Nutraceuticals To Improve Heart Health Part I

Emerging Science on Nutraceuticals To Improve Heart Health. Join us for a discussion of cutting edge research and unique formulations of natural medicines that reduce the risk factors associated increase in cardiovascular disease and the underlying conditions (metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance) that create the inflammatory environment of the body the lead to heart disease over time. Speakers: Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD and Kathy Kresnik, TFH Director of Health and Resilience

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Fighting AI With AI – Mike Adams

Like many, Mike Adams realises that humanity needs to adapt to emerging technologies in order to fight the battle ahead effectively. The threat for those who don’t adapt is that they will be left behind. Is there a way for freedom loving people to seize this opportunity for good?

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Sandi Adams: The dangers of smart cities and 15-minute cities

Last week, Sandi Adams discussed smart cities and 15-minute cities on the Financial Rebellion podcast with host Catherine Austin Fitts, warning about their dangers and risks.

One of the aims is to implement 7 regions of governance in the UK under Metro Mayors. Metro Mayors will have unlimited power over their respective areas to achieve net zero.  They will have more power over their areas than the UK Parliament.  We are already beginning to see these 7 regional governments taking shape with the formation of Combined Authorities.

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Plans backed by key health figures in the Trump Administration could suspend covid injections for all age groups in the US

Last week, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to withhold federal funding from schools and universities that require students to be vaccinated against covid.  The Trump Administration has also terminated the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention’s (“CDC’s”) “Wild to Mild” flu vaccination campaign, which aimed to encourage high-risk groups to get vaccinated.

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